Instant Replicator is a program that will synchronize the contents of two folders.
This way, you will have a security copy of every important file that you have created or modified, and both copies will be up-to-date. You can use any of the copies to modify the files with your laptop, or desktop PC, and later update the modified files in the other computer.
This program will allow you to create new synchronization or backup projects. You can choose which folders to synchronize or backup, the template you want to use, if you want to perform a Safe Sync, and which files should be synchronized. When performing backups, you can choose to keep several versions of a file, encrypt them with a password and perform periodical backups. You can create as many projects as you like, the program will keep a list that it can execute on the scheduled times. You can even create copies of other projects, and modify them to create slightly different projects.
You can use the trial version of this program for free for fifteen days.